مؤتمر الكلية الدولي 2021
تاريخ النشر : 2020-08-18 04:14:47
عدد المشاهدات : 2985
تاريخ النشر : 2020-08-18 04:14:47
عدد المشاهدات : 2985
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رقم الايداع ISSN: 1814-5868(Print), ISSN: 2520-0860 (Online)
Conference Themes
Role of sustainable agriculture in
Conference Goals
Sustainable agriculture is one of the most important components of college of Agriculture. It is the first essential step in ensuring the elimination of hunger. While many of the Sustainable Development Goals address issues related to agriculture, the College has dedicated its capacity to achieving this goal. There is extensive discussion on how to define "sustainable agriculture", since agriculture contributes to development - as an economic activity, a livelihood provider and an environmental service provider, it should be viewed in three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.
The agricultural area for productive and sustainable agriculture is one of the most important keys to sustainable agriculture and is a key objective in accordance with environmental standards. If the soil is bad or if the water is not properly managed, the farm may be considered unsustainable. In recent years, it has been recognized that sustainability is much further, encompassing economic and social dimensions, putting farmers at the centre of things. If the farm is economically unsound or unable to cope with external shocks, or if the welfare of the farm workers is not taken into account, the farm will not be sustainable. The development of this indicator is carried out by the multi-stakeholder community, which includes statisticians and technical experts from countries and international organizations, national statistical offices, civil society and the private sector. It combines themes of productivity, profitability, flexibility, land, water, decent work and well-being in order to accommodate the multidimensional nature of sustainable agriculture.